What is CamilleCo?

Our mission is to:

  • disrupt the notion of what personal power and financial strength can look like for women - especially as we age,  
  • embrace limitless opportunity and continuous mind expansion,
  • rebrand what life after divorce can be for women
  • become even more relevant with age,
  • demonstrate joy, freedom, abundance, adventure and the power of community.  

We recognize that many of you - like us - are late bloomers, perhaps only now hitting your stride in life and becoming more fully who you are meant to be. 

Camille is our vision of how to be life-long learners, financially independent, in community, living on purpose and acting with intention.  

Remember, we are not aging; we are evolving!

Join NOW!

We invite you to join Camille as you embark on this exciting new chapter in your life. Membership is free and includes:

Early Bird Discount on Online Courses and Coaching Events
Noteworthy - Weekly Email
Early Notice and Discounts for Retreats for One-on-One Learning and Self Care Indulgence
Facebook Community
A Growing and Supportive Community to Keep You Motivated and Celebrate Successes
I'd love to be a member!

This weekly email shares inspiration on the things we are celebrating, emotions we are experiencing, life events we are exciting about - all to give you fresh perspective and motivation.  We understand that your life is full and time is your most precious commodity.  We promise  to respect your Inbox and limit what we send.

Read Past Noteworthy Now!

Our Greatest Wish

Remember, you are not too old, and it is not too late to grow your money and gain financial freedom! At Camille, we believe we - and our financial capability - are improving with age. We love where we are! And we can't wait to see where we are going. Walking this journey with others who share this idea of an empowered life feels like freedom. We invite you to join us!


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Two Step

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